Saturday 22nd February 2025

Helping Hand Radio Auction Now At $123,921


By Shannon McFarlin News Director

Paris, Tenn.–It was a BIG day at the Henry County Helping Hand Radio Auction today, with $29,146 raised by the Cottage Grove community, Center community and Interrail Signal. That brings the year-to-date total to $123,921.

Auctioneer today was Jamie Orr, with the Lakeway Kiwanis Club manning the phones. On Wednesday, Noel Hatman will be auctioneer and the Paris Lions will volunteer at the phones.

Wednesday will be ‘bank day’, with local banks donating items: Commercial Bank, Carroll Bank & Trust, Foundation Bank, Regions Bank, and First Bank.

On Thursday, items will be donated by the Harrelson Beta Club, Puryear community and Northwest Nutition Office on Aging. On Friday, items will be donated by the Clifty community and rescue squad, Air Evac, Relay for Life, Henry County Casa, CHAMMPS and 731 Freeze Dried Goods. Saturday will be Whitlock’s day.

Auction phone is 644 1695. The auction is held at the Paris Convention Center at 1510 East Wood St., Paris. Dozens of groups and local communities raise thousDonaands of dollars each year for over 90 non-profit service organizations.

The auction is broadcast daily at our radio station WHNY, 104.7 FM/AM 1000; on our website at and on the Henry County Helping Hand website.

The auction begins at 12:30p.m. on weekdays and noon on Saturdays.
